
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Year's Goals

So, its Febuary 5th, but 'better late than never,' right?  Here we go:

  • Cook at least 3x a week.  Doing ok with this.  The past 2 weeks I haven't done so well, but I'm cooking tonight, so there!  Redemption.

  • Drop 2 (at least) 2 pants sizes.  I hope to get this done by the summer, so I can get this bathing suit:
(YES, it's super expensive.  I told Adam I was going to buy it if it went on sale.  He told me HE would buy it for me FULL PRICE if I met my goal.  Challenge accepted.)
  • Read the bible in a year.  It's a church wide initiative I'm happy to be joining in on. 
  • Take more pictures of the kiddo.  The reason I don't take as many pictures is good:  I'm caught up in the moment.  However, I want to remember the moments, so I want to do better. 
There we go!  First post a success (simply because it's done).

Monday, August 27, 2012

I dont know what to say here.  I am just trying to see what this looks like on a template.  I really want a cute blog, so I have to go find other templates that are free.